Le Cher Antenna Manual

Introduction The Lecher Antenna was designed to measure the wave patterns of extremely subtle energy fields – invisible energy – like the subtle fields around all living things ~ detecting the unseen has now become routine. More and more people around the world are discovering the wonder of the Lecher Antenna. Hardlock Device Driver For Windows 7 X64 Download there. As a tool in their professional lives or an aid to maintaining harmony and balance within their home and personal lives. Jagadam Video Songs Free Download Mp4. However little is known in the UK about the Lecher Antenna, and we at Quantum-Change feels that needs to be addressed, especially as more and more people are becoming aware of Energy work and just how the body’s energy system affects their daily lives. The Lecher Antenna gets its name from Ernst Lecher who discovered the principles of measuring energy in 1890. Download Gurbani Serial Song. The Antenna was developed by a group of German physicists in 1975 based on the work of Dr.

The Lecher Antenna is an instrument that measures the Energy fields surrounding the body. To determine the physical health of a person – all the body fields (i.e. The organs, glands systems and functions) should be in alignment around the physical body. Diseases in the body have a different field frequency, causing misalignment. This misalignment creates an imbalance that will be reflected in the overall balance of the person.

Le Cher Antenna ManualLe Cher Antenna Manual

Some of the fields may be balanced, whilst one or more are out of alignment. For example, if the physiological Field is out of alignment, the person may feel healthy but have psycho-emotional concerns, lack energy, feel nervous at some level or sad and depressed for no apparent cause. If the Energetic and physical body are corrected then the person recovers their full potential; sleep is more refreshing, they cope with situations better and tend to attain their goals easier.

When the fields are aligned around the body correctly, they experience a sense of vitality in the body and the environment around them reflects increased harmony. The Lecher Antenna is based upon Nano technology. This technology is used at the atomic level and as such is very powerful in its capacity to measure tiny fluctuations in the particle fields around all objects. How does it work?

Dr Anand Bhardwaj, New Delhi, On Dias Lecture on Lecher Antenna Training Video on You.

This is more of an explanation than an absolute truth, because at such Nano levels, even powerful scanning tunneling machines, used by physicists have difficulty measuring subatomic particles or photons. They are perceived only by the wave that is generated when like particles meet like and give way to each other. Any metal conductor constitutes an antenna, which collects and emits at least half the energy it is exposed to.

The Lecher Antenna corresponds to a closed line with one of its ends emitting energy in response to what it is exposed to. The position of the cursor bar can be set to indicate different emissions or frequencies and will give a wave motion when it meets a congruent or energetic match. If you use a generator of Gigahertz, emitting in the cent metric waves, you can check the corresponding waves emitted by the antenna. The cent metric scale of the Lecher Antenna makes it possible to measure the harmonic and organic resonance within the electromagnetic spectrum. The human body, thanks to the Lecher Antenna, is able to select information with the lower part of the electromagnetic background noise, which otherwise would not be measurable with most current testing technology. We have found that use of the Lecher Antenna can be used in the following ways: Correcting Environmental Aggressions in the home and workplace Balancing Health Measuring the Psychological and Emotional Fields Checking the quality of products and objects Allergy and Sensitivity Testing Changing Patterns of Behaviour • Many Architects and Engineers in Eastern Europe and parts of Asia use the Antenna for to identify fault lines and Geopathic stress areas.

Complementary therapists use it to help identify nutritional needs and correct allergies or sensitivities. It is also used in France as a tool to reduce side effects from medication, identify allergy causing substances as well as modern feng shui, to improve the quality of the home habitat. For more information on the Lecher Antenna, or details of new Mastery Training workshops and On line training, visit, and register your interest on our contact form.

Thank you for the comment. I will answer the best way I can. Yes, you can measure a name,for its harmony with someone in the same way you can measure if two people are compatible. I would write the name on paper or a sticker, which would then be placed on the inside of the person’s left wrist a d see how the various body fields responded. If the name is not good for instance or suitable for the person, the global energy field will move away from the body.

This is easily demonstrated. Another way by distance reading, but that is a training issue. I have not tested names, but have tested compatibility on multiple levels with many different things such as finding the right house, job,,partner. It can give valuable information when important decisions need to be made. I think it is easier for me to find out compatibility issues than to use concepts of good or evil as these can be very subjective. I should add that if you are looking for a general question, such as is this ‘a bad name’, meaning in essence it is never good for anyone then you need to find the correct measurement.