Swg Crafting Programs

SWG Bots - Last AFK Crafting Macro for Grinding You'll Need: Star Wars Galaxies Bots. You'll need more than 2. 68 pages on this wiki. Fan Contributor Program; WAM Score; Help. Swg-emu Wiki is a Fandom Games Community. SWG Star Wars Galaxies Online. This Crafting Guide was submitted. Swg Crafting Programs. This page is created from a database of vulnerabilities originally. In certain configurations using Rewrite. Rule with proxy flag. Match, a remote attacker could cause the reverse proxy to. A remote attacker could use this flaw to. Apache httpd 2.2.

Swg Crafting Programs

/ui action toolbarSlotxx; Here you select your tool, use a weapon, droid and general items tool, cause then you will have less problems with the next stage. Scrool down to a free row in your toolbar (The bar in the top, where you can use F1, F2. Buttons to make things) and put a tools in the first 4 spaces, put the macro in the 5th, the 'xx' in the macro is where you write which 'F' button the macro is 'clicking', remember the first spot (F1) is 00, the next 01 and so on. So if u have a tool u want to use at F1 write /ui action toolbarSlot00; Remember to write the 'S' in upper-case, cause the macro wont work if you dont. Add This Message to My Bookmarks Add This Message to My Subscriptions Subscribe to this message's RSS Feed Highlight This Message Print This Message Print to End (Max 50) E-Mail this Message to a Friend Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: This is a good crafting macro.

Wing Commander Posts: 679 Registered: PA: New Dawn Fades Server: Ahazi Reply of 47 Viewed 28513 times I've seen this one before but I thought they nerfed the crafting macro? Anyways, tried it again for good measure. When I use your macro, after selecting resources, it just says 'Crafting Session has Ended'. And that's it. No XP or anything.

Mark Message as New Add This Message to My Bookmarks Add This Message to My Subscriptions Subscribe to this message's RSS Feed Highlight This Message Print This Message Print to End (Max 50) E-Mail this Message to a Friend Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: This is a good crafting macro. Wing Commander Posts: 679 Registered: PA: New Dawn Fades Server: Ahazi Reply of 47 Viewed 28509 times Nevermind, it works.

Didn't know you had to click assemble after clicking your resources. The macro from before did that for you. Kirk Rudy 527 Tabber Manual Lawn. Mark Message as New Add This Message to My Bookmarks Add This Message to My Subscriptions Subscribe to this message's RSS Feed Highlight This Message Print This Message Print to End (Max 50) E-Mail this Message to a Friend Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: This is a good crafting macro. SWG Petty Officer Posts: 111 Registered: PA: Inner Legion Server: Ahazi Reply of 47 Viewed 28411 times U dont have to click assemble, i think its because u did stand beside a crafting station.

Swg Crafting Program

Try to stand in open air. Mark Message as New Add This Message to My Bookmarks Add This Message to My Subscriptions Subscribe to this message's RSS Feed Highlight This Message Print This Message Print to End (Max 50) E-Mail this Message to a Friend Report Abuse to a Moderator Re: This is a good crafting macro. SWG Petty Officer Posts: 111 Registered: PA: Inner Legion Server: Ahazi Reply of 47 Viewed 28418 times I've checked it. Its because u stand near a crafting station. U can insert a extra /nextcraftingstage; after the /pause 5; Then the macro will work near stations also.