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The fourth Conference on the Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders was held at 'The Mountain,' in Highlands, North Carolina on June 12-14, 1998. Hosted by the Highlands Biological Station, and sponsored by the Highlands Biological Foundation, Inc., the conference afforded a state-of-the-art overview of these animals, as evidenced by the contents of the present volume and the credentials of the contributors. In the following pages, the reader will find the best current understanding of many aspects of plethodontid salamander evolution, systematics, development, morphology, life history, ecology, and field methodology. While the contents of this book consist of chapters developed from selected conference papers, their excellence is representative of the high overall quality of the conference presentations. The Highlands Biological Station is located on the Highlands Plateau in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains. As these mountains are a present center of plethodĀ­ ontid diversity, and are considered by some to be the center of origin of the group, the Highlands Biological Station has historically been important in the study of these animals.

A list of visitors to the Station for the last 70 years would include a 'who's who' of twentieth century North American herpetologists. Airship Technology Khoury Pdf Printer on this page. The location and amenities of the Highlands Biological Station are unique.

Within the city limits of Highlands at an elevation of nearly 1200 meters, the Station includes modern research laboratories, administrative offices, library facilities, as well as dormitory and living facilities.

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