Valentine Radar Serial Number Check

Jan 24, 2009 Valentine one Radar. If you bought it from the Valentine website. * We will not repair any Valentine One that has an unreadable serial number. Check your Apple warranty status. Enter a serial number to review your eligibility for support and extended coverage. Check our UPGRADE offer for your v1. Please enter Your V1 serial number. We are factory direct warehouse in Europe that distributes legendary Valentine One radar. Purchased 9/21/09 Serial: 012 I don't know what software version it is. V1 site just told me this: V1 Description: Radar circuitry know.

Best Answer: Pretty sure it depends on where you bought it from. Naruto Narutimate Ninja Heroes 3 Usa Ukuran Kecil Emupradise here. If you bought it from the Valentine website then it is: Where to Ship: Return your Valentine One and both power cords and lighter adapter (don't send the mounts) to: Valentine Research Customer Service 10280 Alliance Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 How to Ship: Ship your unit prepaid and insured, in its original packaging or something equally protective. You are responsible for your Valentine One until it is in our hands, so insist on a proof-of-delivery receipt. Along with your Valentine One, please enclose the following: your name, billing address (for credit cards) and shipping address; description of the problem; your daytime telephone number; and if your Valentine One is out of warranty (older than one year), send $45 or a credit card number with expiration date to cover the cost of diagnosis and repair.

Valentine Radar Serial Number CheckCheck Serial Number

Your Valentine One will be repaired as soon as possible. For units that have been abused or modified, a repair cost will be calculated based on parts and labor required. You will be contacted if the repair cost exceeds the $45 basic charge. Notes: * We will not repair any Valentine One that has an unreadable serial number. * Prices subject to change without notice. Maybe it's not working right You bought Valentine One because you wanted the best radar protection. When you're really concerned about having the best, doubts come easily...

'Is it really working right?' 'It didn't give much warning that time. Is it dying on me?' Radar behaves according to the laws of physics. So does Valentine One. There are reasons for everything that happens. Please consider the following possibilities.

If you don't get a radar alert from a radar car, was the radar turned on? Remember that Instant-on doesn't send out a detectable beam until it's triggered. There are strong radars and weak ones.

If you received a weak alert, could it have been a kind of radar that you're not used to? The radar antenna can be pointed any direction inside the radar car. It doesn't have to point toward the front. Are you sure it was pointed at you? If it's turned away, its strength as you approach is much less. Traffic, particularly trucks, between you and the radar can block the beam.