Update Download Was Unsuccessful Cyanogenmod

Update Download Was Unsuccessful Cyanogenmod

Here's an (unofficial) Google apps package for CM10.1. All of the apps/libs/etc have been pulled from the official Galaxy Nexus factory image 4.2.2 (JDQ39). Download link: Notes: 1. This package DOES NOT include the GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk, as the current version included with previous JB GAPPS packages is 4.0.3 but it is no longer part of the official 4.2.2 ROM. It DOES include CalendarGoogle.apk (the official Google Calendar app) which is almost 100% identical to the CM calendar app, just has a prettier icon (IMHO), and it does not require the sync adapter. Also, apps like GTasks don't require the sync adapter, so no loss there.

Apparently, the only app that does require the 4.0.3 sync adapter is the CM calendar app, which is removed by the GAPPS installer. After flashing this GAPPS package, Google Now will most likely FC when launching a voice search.

Fear not, just go to the Play Store and install the Sound Search for Google Play update (v1.1.7) and the Google Search update (v2.3.11.575405) and you will be back in business. Note: v1.1.7 cannot be installed as a system app, it will FC, it must be installed as data app as an update (believe me. I tried) and that's why it's not included in this GAPPS package by default. If you have another GAPPS package installed, just flash this version over the top of the existing package in recovery (TWRP or CWM.) There is no need to factory reset, or wipe cache, or do any sort of silly rain dance.

Update Download Was Unsuccessful Cyanogenmod

Iso Ratings Missouri Communities. Download CyanogenMod 7.2 RC1 Android 2.3.7 Gingerbread To Install It On. Download the CyanogenMod 7.2. Update from sdcard area, it says, “Failed it. Mar 01, 2013 App CyanogenMod. Just go to the Play Store and install the Sound Search for Google Play update (v1. Keep getting a download unsuccessful at 99%. Alright, alright, alright - it's nearly 'go time' for builds to start flowing. Before everyone gets excited and rushes to download, we want to cover a few important points. First, we want to thank everyone that stepped forward to assist with the infrastructure (and offers continue to pour in). Thanks to you all, all.