Protech Supercharger 702 Manual Dexterity

This charger was given to me by my neighbor for free (nice guy huh) since he isn't into RC anymore. I installed Deans connectors on it so I could use the discharger funtion. My question is, is it even worth using the discharger (its a timed one) or should I just drain the my batteries with my car on a stand?

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Protech Supercharger 702 Manual Dexterity

This is a classic Pro Tech 701 AC/DC Super Charger made by Model Craft Manufacturing. This is a vintage quick charger; it's in excellent working condition. Find great deals on eBay for Pro Tech Charger in Radio. This item is a Pro-Tech Super Charger Model 702. Protech Replacement Charger for NICAD 12V.

Also it has a little display that says DC Amperes with a needle and don't know what it means; like when I plug the battery in it slowly goes to 0 (from like -2).My main question is how will I know to stop discharging? Download Naruto Episode 12 Mp4. Thanks for any help.:). The charger uses about a 2 amp discharger load, timer 15 minutes will not fully charge a battery pack may have to be reset 3 to 4 times. The meter is an analog meter that shows the charge rate and will drop as battery reaches peak voltage.

Set the adjust knob to desire rate on analog meter, a pack peak needle will drop. Plug in a DVM to be more precise of when pack is charged (DC plug on side for DVM plug) or monitor the pack temperature - isn't always precise cells that are going bad will feel warmer than the rest. If you aren't racing you could make up your own bulb discharger, using 1-10 1157 auto type bulbs rated at approximately 2amp each.

I use 5 for non race packs and 10-15 for race packs. Originally posted by highroller When discharging the needle will be to the left in - minus area, when it nears the 0 area it is discharged. If using NiMh you may want to remove pack when it reach 1 mark and use a single lightbulb then remove that when bulb dims - don't allow it to go out with NiMh - they don't respond well if discharged to low. Thats exactly what I needed to know.But with nicd when should I remove the batt.

Also wheres the adjust knob? I don't see 1. What are you adjusting? I'm only discharging my batteries after using them BTW. Also I notice that when actually using the batteries, some cells get hotter than the others;so does that mean that those cells are going bad?

And lastly; how do I make a bulb discharger? Thanks again. I don't believe there is an current adjust knob on the 702.

So that doesn't matter. (not on my old one anyway) And Highroller was referring to a DVM or, digital volt meter.

You can pick up an inexpensive one at Radio Shack or out on ebay. They are key to monitoring the voltage of the battery while charging on those older chargers. I personally would not use that charger to discharge. Far too low a discharge rate. For your situation I would go get yourself a pre-built bulb discharge kit similar to this I found by doing a search for 'discharge' on ebay: (no, it's not mine) It's an ugly example but it is how most work. Make sure you get one with a cut-off switch because, believe me, you will miss the 'dim' window eventually.