L2 Chest Box Patch Interlude In Death
I couldn't find Drop/Spoil patch in english, only in russian/bulgarian and i won't make one in english because it would last severall days, maybe more. I have finished a patch with drop/spoil/lvl/agro/box's, but the only think i could'nt get working was the zoom. I reed somewhere that the maxzoomdist in user.ini don't work on helbound the only thing i do is to use PgUp and PgDown for Zoom. But this is for the Drop/Spoil in english: Use and abuse, i'll do with your zoom. Relational Database Design With Filemaker Pro Rata. Have FUN Since CT1 Infinite Zoom don't work as it used to be. So the only way was to set it to a key and activated it while you are ingame. Instacode Crack 2008 Calendar on this page.