Installed Software Report Altiris

Simon Aronson Stack Pdf Pages. DECLARE @v1_TrusteeScope nvarchar(max) SET @v1_TrusteeScope = N'%TrusteeScope%' SELECT [vri2_Resource].[Guid] AS [_ItemGuid], [vri2_Resource].[Name] FROM [vRM_Resource_Item] AS [vri2_Resource] INNER JOIN [fnGetTrusteeScopedResources](@v1_TrusteeScope) AS [fnGTSR_3] ON [vri2_Resource].[Guid] = [fnGTSR_3]. Download Fairy Tail Episode 199 Sub Indo. [ResourceGuid] You can create both resource reports and raw SQL reports in XML. Scoping a report using the 'TrusteeScope' parameter will limit the resources to include all resources that the user running the report has access to. However, in some cases the use may want to further restrict that list. One situation where this might be appropriate could be when the user has access to all the computers in a particular building, but they only want to see what is on one of the floors, or one of the departments.

Altiris Inventory Solution software reduces the cost of identifying and. Tools for aggregating data allow you to generate audit reports. I am a new user of Altiris and would like to create a report with the below fields: Search Feild as: Software name%. Results in report as: Installed Software Name, User of Asset, Asset Number, Division of User. Would someone please be able to advise the easiest way to create this report?

Altiris Patch Management

A report can be constructed that allows the user to control which organisation groups and views that they can see. To do this from the report Builder UI add the parameter called 'Advanced Types/Scope By Organisation Group Parameter' To both the Report Parameters and the Query parameters. This Parameter will be called 'ScopeCollectionGuid'. For a Resource query nothing more needs to be done as just defining the 'ScopeCollectionGuid' will cause it to be used automatically. For a RawSQL report the parameter should be passed in like the TrusteeScope parameter, and then SQL adjusted to join against the CollectionMembership>table to restrict the results to match what the user selected. This topic discusses the general process of how Reports are localized in NS7. In general the method is similar to the NS6 localization process in that the XML tags that report authors use are (where possible) the same.

Installed Software Report Altiris