Game Maker 8 Enemy Airship
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I use XP now I will explain my problem better The game I am makeing has an airship (of course) now I can use the airship to move around the worldmap and than land it where ever I need to easy enough but my problem comes from the fact that when I enter a city after landing my airship near by and than exiting the city my airship will return to the events default positon on the world map and not be where I landed it. Now I can sole this by putting a self switch event that records the position of the airship on every game tile but that really lags the game and causes my fingures rather large ammounts of pain from all the copying and pasteing so I am wondering if there is an easier way?
Making top 2D games with the GameMaker: Studio game engine is easy. No code or programming required.
Qcad Documentation Pdf. And no when you enter another map any moved events return to the default position at least for me. Shouldn't you be able to save the X and Y coordinates when you exit the vehicle? I would assume that when you're running a vehicle any reference to the player's map coordinates would refer to the vehicle, but this is RPGM we're talking about. If so you should be able to work up a common event that saves the player's position before executing the exit vehicle part, then when you exit the town use Move Event to put the even back where it's supposed to be. Then again I've never used the actual vehicle function (my party can't leave their wagon when on the world map) so I may have no idea what I'm talking about.
Assimil Francese Perfezionamento Pdf Converter. I just realized.RMXP does not even have a default vehicle system. That might be why I couldn't find an event command that could manipulate the position of the vehicle on the map. So Zinc, how does your vehicle system work? Depending on how you went about allowing the player to use an airship would determine how best to fix your problem. It definitely would involve saving X and Y coordinates of the vehicle event in two variables. Just an idea: in all transfer events that let the player exit villages/towns and enter the world map, at the very end of those events turn on a switch called 'Set Vehicle'.
Then, on the world map, have a parallel process or autorun event activated by that switch. Then add to that world map event 'Set Event Location' using the 2 variables that have the vehicle's X and Y coordinates contained in them. Then turn the switch off. If you need any help with the X and Y coordinates, I'm sure Yami can help you. I'm going to be out of town until sunday. Short vacation in southern California! Let us not cover with events.
Sorry if you know any of this, but I decided to go overly thorough to make sure I didn't leave out something you didn't know. I'm guessing that to get into the airship you hit space/enter when facing the icon/event, right? And then I would assume that the resulting code would look like this (paraphrased): *Set Airship event graphic to nothing *Transfer player to grid airship is on *Change player graphic to the airship graphic (note: to the player it will look like the character vanished into the airship) *Set 'In Airship' switch to ON. Sorry, I've been out of town since thursday. I've got some catching up to do with other things, but sometime later this afternoon I will throw together an airship system. It's pretty simple.