Dataset Serialize Outofmemoryexception

Thanks pratap_r, Then I want to compress the file because it's gonna be large. I suppose I would do something like this FileStream fsIn = new FileStream(fileIn, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); byte[] buffer = new byte[fsIn.Length]; fsIn.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); GZipStream gzs. Gzs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer. Bubblegum Crisis Torrent. Length); which will use the same huge amount of memory for buffer I guess? I haven't tried it but would it also cause OutOfMemory there? Any solution for that too? ^^ Thanks again!

Outofmemoryexception Java

How to Solve out of memory error when converting large. + I Fill a dataset by sql query and. It to json by serializing System.OutOfMemoryException. Jul 30, 2013 Here is an issue on BinaryFormatter.Serialize() throwing OutofMemoryException. 1).Net remoting Server will get dataset from SQL Server Database, and then. Jan 12, 2004 Theres an issue with serialization of big datasets, internally I think it creates a huge amount of small objects and eventually takes up all your.