Como Ler Lacan Zizek Pdf

Como Ler Lacan Zizek PdfComo Ler Lacan Zizek Pdf

This paper follows a line of studies that have questioned the notion of politicisation through consumption, especially regarding the way in which consumer responsibility has been constructed within the organisational and marketing contexts. This article analyses how the environmentally responsible consumer has been ‘produced’ by the business media, considering it to be a mirror to the corporate world that reflects and re-signifies corporate practices and dominant social discourses. This research involves the analysis of two magazines during the period from 1996 to 2007, Britain’s The Economist and Brazil’s Exame. The method employed for this research was discourse theory, which was founded by Ernest Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and extended by contemporary authors based on Lacanian psychoanalysis and its concept of the Real. Download Free Step Up To Medicine Errata Pdf To Jpg. Isleide Fontenelle is an associate professor at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil, who lectures on criticism of culture in undergraduate and post-graduate courses, especially in consumer culture, ideology and subjectivity themes.

She is the author of the books The name of the brand: McDonald´s, fetishism and the disposable culture and Post-modernity: work and consumption (both in Portuguese). She has written various articles and books chapters related to ideology and criticism, and is currently involved in a research project that explores the media discourse relating to responsible consumption and the relation between this discourse and the hyper-accountability of the subject nowadays. E-mail: idefontenelle AT

The Real, says Lacan, lacks for nothing (Lacan, 2005). According to philosopher Slavoj Zizek, one of the most prominent contemporary interpreters of the Lacanian reading of the Real, Lacan considered psychoanalysis to be 'a method for interpreting either oral (the patient's words) or written texts' (Zizek, 2010:12).