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Ultimate Magician Video Collection Volume 11 As always, enjoy and continue to seed. These volumes are going viral thanks to you.

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Personal History I got my first deck of cards when I was seven years old. I was instantly fascinated with cards and wanted to know everything I could about them. I learned to play every card game I could from blackjack and five-card stud to a half-dozen kinds of solitaire. I got books from the public library on card puzzles and the history of playing cards. Before long, I became aware that there was such a thing as sleight of hand with cards. That became my new fixation.

If I had grown up in a middle-class neighborhood, that interest would probably have been channeled into magic. However, in the South Bronx neighborhood in New York where I grew up, sleight of hand meant only one thing: card cheating. The first sleights I learned were taught to me by cheats in my neighborhood. It was only as a teenager that I discovered card magic. Since then, my interest in sleight of hand has followed those two parallel courses. At nineteen I decided to investigate magic shops.

I found two in the telephone directory that seemed promising. First, I went to Flosso’s. Al Flosso made me feel so unwelcome that I might have given up magic at that point. Instead I decided to give the other shop a chance.

Fortunately, Tannen’s had a completely different atmosphere. My modus operandi was to buy a magic book at Tannen’s and study it until I felt I’d gotten what I could from it. Then I’d go back and buy another book. I always went to Tannen’s on Thursday evenings, the one night they stayed open late. It was also the one time when the shop was almost deserted. So I didn’t meet any magicians for the first couple of years.

(In retrospect, I think that was a good thing.) One day when I was about twenty-one, Irv Tannen–who had become my book buying advisor–suggested that I go down to the Governor Cafeteria where the magicians hung out on Saturdays after Tannen’s closed. On my first visit I met David Roth and we’ve been good friends ever since.

In subsequent visits I met and became friends with Derek Dingle, Harry Lorayne, Herb Zarrow, Ken Krenzel, Gene Maze, and Frank Garcia. Each had an influence on my development as a magician. Most influential were Gene Maze and Derek Dingle. At that time, almost every famous magician who came to New York stayed at Derek’s home. Xojo Mac Serial. Through him David Roth and I were able to meet and session with Mike Skinner, Fred Kaps, Jerry Andrus, Scotty York, Alex Elmsley, and others while still in our twenties. What are your top 3 effects in magic and why?

I confess that I couldn’t narrow it down to three effects. So I cheated and chose three magic premises instead. I’ve also excluded mental effects and gambling routines. Both can be incredibly strong and memorable. But they play sufficiently differently from magic that they should be considered separately. Card-to-Impossible-Location: After decades of performing many different effects with many different plots, I’m convinced that this is the strongest plot in card magic. Of course, not all card-to-impossible location effects are equally strong.