Afrikaans Music To Download Free

Afrikaans Music To Download Free

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Best Afrikaans Songs

Note: downloads take time on dialup and may not complete if the server resets. You could make a great compilation of Afrikaans pop and rock just by downloading what's available free on Here are the Artists, in no particular order, that members have downloaded the most, and that we love the most.

10 Afrikaans artists we love Amanda Strydom Jan Blohm Chris Chameleon Fokofpolisiekar Kallitz Koos Kombuis Valiant Swart Piet Botha Steve Hofmeyr Thys Nywerheid See what's currently in charting on 24. Alberta Program Of Studies Math Illustrative Examples Of Law more. com and. NOW DOWNLOAD THEM Then use the links below to download. Note the you'll find Amanda Strydom under 'S' not 'A' Akkedis en anders Four popular tracks from Akkedis, but also Arbor's 'Grof en More' and Ambisieblok's 'Hoop'. Jan Blohm, Lize Beekman en Blomkrag Get 'Songdag Lover', off his SAMA award winning album.

Also check out Lize Beekman's folk pop ballads, and Blomkrag's lekker tunes. - Piet Botha Get five songs by one of our top downloaded artists downloads: 'Die Gemmerbroodman', 'Die Mamba', 'Kitchener', 'Skielek somer', en 'Al weer winter'.

- Chris Chameleon The ex lead singer of top SA band Boo! Is actually a boereseun. ' Die Onverkrygbare is an Ingrid Jonker song set music. It's an evocative blend of modern pop and Afrikaans traditional sounds. - Fokofpolisiekar Four fantastic songs from this hit Afrikaans rock band. Steve Hofmeyr, en Hex Four songs by the most downloaded artist on the site, Steve Hofmeyr, plus a neat track by the noisy Hex Koos Kombuis, Kobus!, Kop en Kallitz Some of the best all on one page.

Don't miss this. - Stefan Lombard Lombard's 'Ek En Jy' will fit on either CD Melktertkomissie One of the top new bands, this surf rock group from J-Bay are very cool. Get 'Die' - Nel Bacchus en Nel Daniel Thoughtful acoustic pop from these two. - Piksteel, Plank, Piet Planter en Cas Plankies Goth rock from Piksteel, lovely straight rock from Plank, boere folk from and some storytelling pop from Piet Planter. For those with who like soppy synth pop, there's another treat for Steve fans: Cas Plankies with 'Jy Weet'!

- Raaskopleef Raaskopleef's 'Oom Boet' and 'Die Rooi Stoel' are something for the Alternative types. - Loit Sols en Amanda Strydom Loit Sol's 'Ou Beg' and 'Maanlig' are off this poet's his cool album, 'Sierjis Kak-praat' and will appeal to those who like folk music.

Amanda Strydom's dramatic popular blues rock and chocolately vocals and blue velvet songs have a broad appeal - you could put her music on the same CD as Hofmeyr, or Valiant, or JJ Cale. - Valiant Swart & Sumare Nobody's rock collection is complete without Valiant Swart's songs. 'Long Holiday', 'Mystic Boer' and 'Veg is Jy'. 'Katryn', with Mel Botes, is also essential.

Vocalist Sumare's album is full of songs like typical platteland pop, the Hofmeyr-fan freindly 'Sonder jou in my lewe'. Thys Nywerheid en Trike Thys Nywerheid's 'Vir Funk En Vaderland' and the breakbeat flavoured 'Jo Ma' are not what you're used to but both funny and danceable.

Great downloads for the Afrikaans dance scene. Trike's bitterly funny 'Trein Na Bitterfontein', of Volle Militere Eerbetoon is in the deeply sad personal protest tradition of Voelvry. Something for Kerkorrel fans - will go nicely with Valiant Swart or Koos Kombuis. Voel en Vanessa Van Into Steve Hofmeyr, or other Afrikaans synth rock or pop? Vanessa Van's summer beach party song 'Afrikaner Surfer Boy' is great for that drunken langarm moment. 'Afrikaner surfer boy / ek wens ek was jou nooi'. Voel are straightforward Boere folk rock - download this for a compilation also featuring Koos Kombuis, Valiant Swart and the like.