2051 Serial Programmer Avr

Avr Programmer Driver

It is stated that the ATmega256RFR2 Xplained Pro is supported by SerialNet. I programmed the flash memory of the MCU with the Atmel Studio and by using the JTAG interface. You Are My Pumpkin Pumpkin Idea Song Free Download.

The MEC14XX family is one of the first to support both the Intel® Corporation’s new Enhanced Serial. Using Atmel-ICE for AVR® Programming In.

I loaded the firmware image that is located in Atmel-8389-WIRELESS-SerialNet_AVR2051_v3_0_0 Atmel-8389-WIRELESS-AVR2051-SerialNet_v3_0_0 Firmware ATmega256RFR2 SerialNet_RFR2_Misc Uart0 SerialNet_ATmega256RFR2_UART0_NoBL_NoSec.elf. Finally, I tried to check the communication with the board through a serial console by sending the 'AT' command. I used tera-term, putty, hyperterminal, and the one that comes with the DataVisualizer tool. With none of them were answer.

I have already checked that I am correctly sending AT commands by using an oscilloscope. I followed the AVR 2051: SerialNet user guide step by step, but without success.

Does Anybody know where the problem is? Access Invoice Database Downloads. What should I do? I am afraid that the pins of the MCU (RXD and TXD) had suffered damage due to I changed from one to another. I thought that the problem was a bad connection. Does the pins would be damaged? Thank in advance.